All files / components/Header Header.svelte

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50% Branches 5/10
80% Functions 4/5
100% Lines 75/75

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<script lang="ts">
  import "./Header.scss";
  import ldafLogo from "$lib/assets/ldaf-flat-logo-transparent.png";
  import { url as closeIcon } from "$icons/close";
  import type { NavItemType, NavLinkType } from "./Nav";
  import type { SiteTitleType } from "./Title";
  import classNames from "$lib/util/classNames";
  import Icon from "$lib/components/Icon";
  import Link from "$lib/components/Link";
  import Search from "$lib/components/Search";
  import Title from "./Title";
  import Nav from "./Nav";
  export let navItems: NavItemType[] = [];
  export let siteTitle: SiteTitleType;
  export let secondaryNavItems: NavLinkType[] = [];
  // Need to export this as a prop so we can reset it on route change.
  export let navMenuExpanded = false;
  const toggleNavMenu = (show: boolean) => (navMenuExpanded = show);
  $: navClassNames = classNames("usa-nav", navMenuExpanded && "is-visible");
<!-- TODO: Continue replacing parts of this file with components and content from the CMS. -->
<!-- TODO: Possibly add support for other header variations, e.g. usa-header--basic -->
<header class="ldaf-header usa-header usa-header--extended">
  <div class="ldaf-nav usa-navbar">
    <Title {siteTitle} />
    <!--TODO: Replace with content from CMS. -->
    <button type="button" class="usa-menu-btn" on:click={() => toggleNavMenu(true)}> Menu </button>
  <!-- TODO: Replace aria-label with content from CMS. -->
  <nav aria-label="Primary navigation" class={navClassNames}>
    <div class="usa-nav__inner">
      <button type="button" class="usa-nav__close" on:click={() => toggleNavMenu(false)}>
        <!-- TODO: Replace alt text with content from CMS. -->
        <Icon src={closeIcon} alt="Close" size={3} />
      <a class="ldaf-logo__compact" href="/">
        <!-- TODO: Replace alt value with content from CMS. -->
        <img src={ldafLogo} alt="Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry Home" />
      <div class="ldaf-commissioner__compact">
        <span class="text-italic">{siteTitle.commissionerRow2}</span>
      <Nav items={navItems} />
      <!-- TODO: Extend <Nav/> to cover secondary nav or build out component with shared dependencies. -->
      <div class="ldaf-nav__secondary usa-nav__secondary">
        <ul class="usa-nav__secondary-links">
          {#each secondaryNavItems as item, i (}
            {@const { name, link } = item}
            <li class="usa-nav__secondary-item">
              <Link href={link}>{name}</Link>
        <section aria-label="Search component">
            on:submit={(event) => console.log({ searchTerm: event.detail.searchTerm })}