All files / components/Header/Nav NavMenu.svelte

100% Statements 97/97
83.33% Branches 10/12
100% Functions 5/5
100% Lines 97/97

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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<script lang="ts">
  import Link from "$lib/components/Link/Link.svelte";
  import chunk from "$lib/util/chunk";
  import classNames from "$lib/util/classNames";
  import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte";
  import type { NavMenuProps, NavLinkType } from "./types";
  type $$Props = NavMenuProps;
  const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
  export let id = "";
  export let current = false;
  export let columns = 1;
  export let children: NavLinkType[] = [];
  export let expanded = false;
  $: buttonClassNames = classNames("usa-accordion__button usa-nav__link", current && "usa-current");
  // If we want more than one column, evenly divide the nav items into mega menu columns.
  // TODO: We may want to let the CMS determine the position of each item in the future.
  let megaMenuColumns: NavLinkType[][] = [];
  $: {
    if (columns > 1) {
      // Calculate the maximum length of columns (maximum number of items in a column) and provide
      //   to chunk as the size (second) parameter.
      megaMenuColumns = chunk(children, Math.ceil(children.length / columns));
  // We can't use on:click since it only triggers if the mousedown and mouseup events occur on the
  //   same target, and on mobile the collapse of an accordion when it loses focus happens on
  //   mousedown, sometimes shifting the elements so that mouseup misses the target.
  // Instead, we'll use both mousedown and keydown to ensure everything functions accessibly on
  //   both desktop and mobile screen sizes.
  const handleKeyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent) =>
    (event.key === "Enter" || event.key === " ") && dispatch("toggle");
  const handleMouseDown = () => dispatch("toggle");
  // By default focusout on the container will trigger for all its children, but using 'self'
  //   doesn't resolve the issue since the container element isn't the one with the focus.
  // This workaround will ignore the event if the new focused element is a child of the container.
  // Based on this REPL:
  const handleDropdownFocusLoss = ({
  }: FocusEvent & { currentTarget: EventTarget & HTMLDivElement }) => {
    if (relatedTarget instanceof HTMLElement && currentTarget?.contains(relatedTarget)) return;
<!-- TODO: This div is necessary for handling focus loss, but it breaks the styling for a menu
           being marked with an underline as the active / current nav item. -->
<div on:focusout={handleDropdownFocusLoss}>
    <!-- Extra <span/> element is necessary for expand icons to load. -->
    <span><slot /></span>
  {#if columns <= 1}
    <!-- Basic Menu Layout-->
    <ul id="extended-mega-nav-section-{id}" class="usa-nav__submenu" hidden={!expanded}>
      {#each children as { id, link, name } (id)}
        <li class="usa-nav__submenu-item">
          <Link href={link}>{name}</Link>
    <!-- Mega Menu Layout -->
      class="usa-nav__submenu usa-megamenu"
      <div class="grid-row grid-gap-4">
        {#each megaMenuColumns as column, i (i)}
          <div class="usa-col">
            <ul class="usa-nav__submenu-list">
              {#each column as { id, link, name } (id)}
                <li class="usa-nav__submenu-item">
                  <Link href={link}>{name}</Link>