All files / components/Icon Icon.svelte

100% Statements 27/27
33.33% Branches 1/3
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100% Lines 27/27

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<svelte:options immutable />
<script lang="ts">
  import classNames from "$lib/util/classNames";
  // Size is taken from the USWDS implemention of icons in their icon component package (see
  // for more details).
  // Reason for undefined `size` value to start: "By default, icons will scale with font size.
  // If you want to specify an icon size, use one of the component’s size variants."
  export let size: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | undefined = undefined;
  let className = "";
  export { className as class };
  export let alt = "";
  export let src: string;
  export let plain = false;
  if (plain && size) console.warn('"size" prop has no effect when "plain" is set');
  class={classNames(!plain && "usa-icon", !plain && size && `usa-icon--size-${size}`, className)}