All files / components/Image Image.svelte

91.97% Statements 149/162
68.75% Branches 22/32
33.33% Functions 1/3
91.97% Lines 149/162

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<script lang="ts">
  import "./Image.scss";
  import { browser } from "$app/environment";
  import { intersectionObserverSupport, lazyImageLoadingSupport } from "$lib/constants/support";
  import classNames from "$lib/util/classNames";
  import IntersectionObserver from "$lib/components/IntersectionObserver";
  import warn from "$lib/util/warn";
  import type { Loading, LazyLoading, Color, Sources, Srcset } from "./types";
  export let height: undefined | number = undefined;
  export let width: undefined | number = undefined;
  export let src: string;
  // Tuple of [src, width]
  const getSrcsetAttr = ([defaultSrc, ...widths]: Srcset) =>
      ...(widths ?? []).flatMap(([source, sourceWidth]) =>
        !width || width >= sourceWidth ? [`${source} ${sourceWidth}w`] : []
    ].join(", ");
  export let sources: Sources = [];
  export let alt: string;
  export let loading: Loading = "lazy";
  export let blurhash: undefined | string = undefined;
  export let mean: undefined | Color = undefined;
  let className: string | undefined = undefined;
  export { className as class };
  export let imageClass: string | undefined = undefined;
  const getLazyLoadingType = (
    loading: Loading,
    lazyImageLoadingSupport: boolean,
    intersectionObserverSupport: boolean,
    explicitLazyLoadingType?: LazyLoading
  ): LazyLoading => {
    if (explicitLazyLoadingType) return explicitLazyLoadingType;
    if (loading !== "lazy") return "none";
    if (lazyImageLoadingSupport) return "native";
    if (intersectionObserverSupport) return "intersectionObserver";
    return "none";
  // Used to set the lazy loading type explicitly in Storybook
  let explicitLazyLoadingType: LazyLoading | undefined = undefined;
  export { explicitLazyLoadingType as lazyLoadingType };
  let lazyLoadingType: LazyLoading;
  $: lazyLoadingType = getLazyLoadingType(
  if (!width || !height) warn("image width or height was missing!");
  $: decoding = loading === "lazy" ? ("async" as const) : ("auto" as const);
  const canvasSize = 32;
  let thisBg: HTMLCanvasElement;
  let thisContainer: HTMLDivElement;
  let imageLoaded = false;
  $: if (!src) imageLoaded = false;
  let intersecting = false;
  const withNoSrcProp = {};
  let srcProps = withNoSrcProp;
  $: withSrcProp = { src };
  $: if (!src) {
    srcProps = withNoSrcProp;
  } else if (loading === "eager") {
    srcProps = withSrcProp;
  } else if (!browser) {
    srcProps = withNoSrcProp;
  } else if (lazyLoadingType === "native" || lazyLoadingType === "none" || intersecting) {
    srcProps = withSrcProp;
  } else {
    srcProps = withNoSrcProp;
  $: imageLoadClass = imageLoaded
    ? "ldaf-img__loaded"
    : src
    ? "ldaf-img__loading"
    : "ldaf-img__unloaded";
  // This theoretically shouldn't be needed since the BlurhashRenderer script will have already run and
  // drawn the blurhash before Svelte has mounted and this runs. Unfortunately, when Svelte first
  // runs the component code it does something (not sure what) that clears the canvas, which
  // flashes the average-color background until the image loads. This line fixes
  // that. Unfortunately this does not solve the problem of drawing the blurhashes when the
  // BlurhashRenderer has been omitted, since this relies on the window global that is set by that
  // script.
  $: if (blurhash && thisBg && window.drawBlurhash) {
    window.drawBlurhash(thisBg, blurhash);
  const imgProps = { class: imageClass, width, height, border: 0, ...$$restProps };
  on:intersect={() => (intersecting = true)}
  enabled={lazyLoadingType === "intersectionObserver"}
      loading === "eager" && "ldaf-img__eager",
    {#if loading === "lazy"}
        <img {...imgProps} class="ldaf-img__backup-img" {src} alt="" />
      {#each sources as { media, type, srcset }}
        <source {media} {type} srcset={getSrcsetAttr(srcset)} />
        class={classNames("ldaf-img__img", imageLoadClass, imageClass)}
        on:load={() => (imageLoaded = true)}
    {#if blurhash}
    {#if mean}
        style={`background-color: rgb(${Math.round(mean.r)}, ${Math.round(mean.g)}, ${Math.round(