All files / components/Link Link.svelte

100% Statements 32/32
100% Branches 4/4
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100% Lines 32/32

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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<script lang="ts">
  import classNames from "$lib/util/classNames";
  import "./Link.scss";
  // Note: All props not mentioned below will be passed directly to the <a/> element via $$props, e.g. href and target.
  interface $$Props extends Partial<HTMLAnchorElement> {
    class?: string;
    external?: boolean;
    alternate?: boolean;
  // this isn't necessary but will suppress vite-plugin-svelte a11y warnings
  export let href = "";
  // additional classes to add
  let className = "";
  export { className as class };
  // render as an external link, with the "launch" icon rendered ::after
  export let external = false;
  // render with the alternate variation, for use on darker backgrounds
  export let alternate = false;
  $: linkClassNames = classNames(
    external && "usa-link--external",
    alternate && "usa-link--alt",
<a {...$$restProps} {href} class={linkClassNames} rel={external ? "external" : null}>
  <slot />